You need to add this line to your htaccess file in the directory where you want to disable magic quotes:
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
The .htaccess file is located in your public_html folder on your FTP server.
You need to add this line to your htaccess file in the directory where you want to disable magic quotes:
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
The .htaccess file is located in your public_html folder on your FTP server.
Sometimes your site may become unavailable and it may not be displayed for you. Here are the...
Please try to start restoring the database by going to Control Panel - Databases, select the...
If you cannot access your site using your domain without “www”. ( but with "www." it...
If this error occurs, then HTTP requests from clients to your site are going through some kind of...
To disable error output in your script, use: error_reporting (0); Remember that you need to...