You need to follow simple guidelines:
1. Take a logo image at and save it to your PC.
2. Upload the image to the public_html folder and clear your browser cache to see the logo.
You need to follow simple guidelines:
1. Take a logo image at and save it to your PC.
2. Upload the image to the public_html folder and clear your browser cache to see the logo.
Unfortunately, the source code cannot be protected. Anyone can see the code for your site by...
WordPress and Joomla are the most popular CMS. Both web engines are free, open source, extensible...
You can block access to your site from certain IP addresses using the .htaccess file. You need to...
PrestaShop - one of the leading CMS for e-commerce, is a great analogue of Magento, as it is open...
Consider the possibility of a website builder integrated into the website control panel...